Our Products
POWER YOUR MIX with Gibco® Liquid Lime® and Gibco® Dry Admixture
Liquid-Lime® increases the bond between substrates, flexural bond strength and compressive strengths. Its entrained air system adds assurance to cold weather applications. Allowing water and salts that penetrate the surface room to expand without damaging the structure
Liquid-Lime® renders the finished product virtually waterproof, reducing the need for expensive waterproofing agents or compounds. It is 7x more resistant to freeze-thaw cycles than cement-lime applications, GIBCO’S® Liquid-Lime® mix designs surpassed 850 freeze thaw cycles without failure.
Liquid-Lime® provides consistent color that does away with facing and weathering. Use less non-reactive color agent and get a stronger plaster. Guarantees day to day job start and stop color match and eliminates work-line tone difference.
Minimal shrinkage and high strength, allows the contractor to “double back” over the base coat on metal lathe applications. The Double Back approach
reduces curing costs up to 50% with no adverse effects.
Gibco® Liquid-Lime’s® non-toxic formula eliminates caustic lime fumes potential for skin, eye, and lung irritation. Optimizing safety factors promote longevity at work and at home.